6 sifat in English


To be accepted by Allah Ta’ala, Allah Ta’ala does not look at one’s color, shape, wealth, or riches; rather Allah Ta’ala sees one’s Sifat or qualities. Sahaba-e-Akraam RadiAllah anhu were accepted because of their Sifat. Among those Sifat, the first and foremost Sifat is the Sifat of Iman.


Since we have complete faith in Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam, all those unseen Khabar (revelation) that he brought from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, we blindly accept those without any hesitation; this is known as Iman.
Purpose of Iman:

1.Correction of conviction of the heart: removing the conviction in Makhluq (creations) by affirming the conviction in Khaleq (Creator)

2.Correction of conviction in Tarikah (ways of life): affirming the conviction in the heart that there is no peace and success in all those ways that we see in this world; peace and success lie only in the Sunnah ways of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam

3.Correction of enthusiasm: turning the enthusiasm for Dunya (this world) towards the enthusiasm for Akhirah (hereafter), turning the enthusiasm for Mal (wealth) towards the enthusiasm for Amaal, turning from Makhluq towards Khaleq and turning from all other ways towards the Sunnah

Virtues of Iman: One who recites this Kalimah once with Yaqeen (conviction) and Ikhlas (sincerity), Allah Ta’ala will forgive all the past sins.
The way to acquire Iman: In order to acquire Iman effort must be made in three directions:

(a) Giving Dawah (Inviting)

(b) Practicing

(c) Making Du’aa.

(a) Giving Dawah (Inviting):
With the purpose of our own rectification, we give Dawah to whomsoever is found occupied with whatever type of work, to turn from Makhluq towards Khaleq, turn from Dunya towards Akhirah, turn from wealth towards Amaal, turn from all other ways towards Sunnah, and about Tauheed, Risalat and Akhirah. We say this, look brother, this job does not feed me; Allah feeds me. The happiness of this Dunya is not real happiness; Allah Ta’ala has kept real happiness in Jannah. The hardships of this Dunya are not real hardships; Allah Ta’ala has kept the hardships in Jahannam.

(b) Practicing (Mashk): Establishing Halaqas of Iman at home and in the Masajid, we will discuss four things:

(i) We discuss excessively the Qudrat (power) of Allah Ta’ala; this will create the Azmat of Allah Ta’ala. There is no power in the Kaiyanat (created systems); the power is in the absoluteness (Jaat) of Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala has shown His Qudrat in three places: in the human body, in the Kaiyanat (created systems) and in the Qur’an.

(ii) We will discuss those incidents of Ambiyah Alaihis Salam, which Allah Ta’ala made to occur that go against the apparent, against the intellect. Through this, Iman will become firm in our hearts.

(iii) We will discuss those incidents of the unseen help and assistance that came to Sahabah RadiAllah anhu on the basis of their Iman. Through this, our understanding about Allah Ta’ala will become clear that the promises of Allah Ta’ala are not connected with a person; rather they are connected with Amaal.

(iv) By knowing the signs of Iman, we will assess our Iman and see what level our Iman is at. For this purpose, all the signs of Iman that have been mentioned in Hadith, we will discuss them.

And all those incidents related to this, we will talk about excessively.

Such as:

  • Those whom you see going to the Masjid very often, give witness about their Iman
  • The heart becomes happy by good Amaal, and becomes worried by sin
  • Only those who have Iman frequent the Masjid
  •  Not keeping trust on wealth and means, rather keeping trust on Amaal
  •  In the plain on the Day of Judgment, Allah Ta’ala will ask, where are my neighbors? The angles will ask, O Allah! Who are your neighbors? My neighbors are those who used to frequent the Masjid in Dunya.
  •  We can narrate the story about Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam buying a horse on credit.
  •  Staying in the Masjid makes the heart Mutmae’en (worry-free).
    (c) Making Du’aa: For this we will make Du’aa to Allah Ta’ala, weeping and crying that, O Allah! Grant me complete Iman; that is, like the Iman of Sahabah RadiAllah anhu. And protect me from turning away from Iman.


Purpose of Salat: The means of obtaining directly from the unseen treasures of Allah Ta’ala is Amaal. Salat is the most important and fundamental Amaal among all other Amaal. We have to create the conviction in obtaining directly from the unseen treasures of Allah Ta’ala in our hearts.

Virtues of Salat: One who makes the five-times Salat, on time with due importance, Allah Ta’ala will make him enter Jannah with His own covenant. And one who does not make his Salat with due importance, Allah Ta’ala will take any responsibility for him.
The way of acquiring Salat: In order to acquire this Salat, effort must be made in three directions:

(a) Giving Dawah (Inviting)

(b) Practicing

(c) Making Du’aa.

(a) Giving Dawah: How to give Dawah?
The Salat that we ourselves want to acquire, we will give Dawah of that Salat; meaning complete Salat, the Salat made by the Sahabah RadiAllah anhu and the Salat of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam. For this, we will give Dawah for each and every Rukun, from Wudhu to Salaam. Salat is the key to Jannah, and the key to Salat is Wudhu. For this, we have to firstly give Dawah about the key to Salat. If there is no attention in Wudhu, then there will be no concentration in Salat. Because of this, we will not be extravagant in Wudhu. We will give Dawah about Wudhu including Miswak. The Amaal that has no intention is not considered worship, and the Amaal that has no Ihtasab (accountability), has no reward either. We have to make Salat by joining the heart, mind and body. We will make Salat by having the awareness of Allah Ta’ala, and by removing the awareness of Dunya, and we will give Dawah that indeed Allah will provide us through this Salat. We will make Salat by envisioning that Allah Ta’ala is watching us or that we are seeing Allah Ta’ala. In each of the four Rukun of Salat, we will remember three times that Allah is all-seeing, Allah is all-hearing, and Allah is all-knowing.

(b) Practicing (Mashk):

We will practice on Salat in three directions:

(i) Checking if Wudhu, Miswak, and Sunnah, Wajib, Mustahab of Salat, are performed correctly or not. We must observe correctly our standing still, Qiyam, Ruku, Sajdah, and sitting.

(ii) Whatever difficulties arise, to resolve them we stand in Salat, and we resolve them solely through Salat.

(iii) We will practice on three Hadith:
Firstly, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam came to the Masjid; another person came and made Salat. Thereafter, he gave Salam to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam. He replied to the Salam and said, go make Salat because you did not make Salat. The person went and made Salat the same way he did before, and came back and again gave Salam to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam.

He replied to the Salam and said, go make Salat because you did not make Salat. This happened three times. The man said, by Allah Who has sent you with the truth, I cannot perform Salat better than this; you teach me how to make Salat. He replied, when you stand for Salat recite the Takbir, then whatever of the Qur’an that you know, recite it. Then when you go to Ruku, do it calmly. From Ruku, stand up calmly. Then when you go into Sajdah, do it calmly. When you sit up form Sajdah, sit with calm. You perform the whole Salat like this.

Secondly, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam was leading Salat; when he came up from Ruku, one Sahabi recited Hamdan Kathiran Tayyiban Mubarakan fih. At the end of Salat, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam asked who recited this Du’aa. One Sahabi said, Ya Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam, I recited it. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam said, I saw thirty angels collecting the rewards of this Du’aa.
Thirdly, Hazrat Huzaifah RadiAllahu anhu was once sitting in the Masjid in Damascus, when he saw one person making Salat very quickly. After finishing the Salat, he asked him, how long have you been making Salat like this? The person said I have been making Salat like this for forty years. Hazrat Huzaifah RadiAllahu anhu told him, if you do not correct your Salat, and if you die with this type of Salat, then on the Day of Resurrection, you will not be raised with the Deen of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam. For this, correct the appearance of your Salat.

(c) Making Du’aa: For this, we make Du’aa that Allah Ta’ala grants us the Tawfiq to perform Salat that is accepted.


Purpose of Ilm: Creating the conviction in our hearts that success lies only in Ilm-e-Ilahi. Those things that we call Ilm in Dunya are not Ilm. Knowing about Makhluq is not Ilm; rather knowing about Khaleq is Ilm. The knowledge that is related to the three questions in the grave, that is Ilm. The remaining information is knowledge for fulfilling our needs and for the purposes of our earnings.
Virtues of Ilm: One who goes out to acquire Ilm, Allah Ta’ala makes his path to Jannah easy for him.
The way to acquire Ilm: In order to bring Ilm of Haqikat (truth) we have to make effort in three directions: (a) Giving Dawah (Inviting) (b) Practicing (c) Making Du’aa.

(a) Giving Dawah: We will give Dawah by talking about the purpose of Ilm and its virtues. We will give Dawah of four types of Ilm:

(i) Ilm of Fazail: All the virtues that are found in the Kitaabs of Fazail, we will learn them and give Dawah, and we will do Talim in the home and Masjid every day.

(ii) Ilm of Masail: We go in the presence of the Ulema and learn Ilm of maslah-masail from them and practice on it. The way that we go to those who are authority in Dunya with great importance for resolving the problems of Dunya, we go with even greater importance in the presence of the Ulema, since the problems of the Akhirah are really big problems.

(iii) Ilm of Sifat: All those Sifat of the Sahabah RadiAllahu anhu that caused them to be accepted by Allah Ta’ala, in order to bring all those Sifat into our lives, we do Muta’ala (review) of the Kitaab Muntakhab Ahadith, in which Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullah Alaihi had collected together all the Ilm concerning Sifat.

(iv) Ilm of Tarbiyat: All the conditions/situations that the Sahabah Ajmaeen RadiAllahu anhu had to face while in the path of Dawah, and the way that they brought themselves up on Tarbiyat, all those incidents have been gathered by Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullah Alaihi in his Kitaab Hayatus Sahabah, and for Tarbiyat this Kitaab is very important. This is Ilham upon Hazratji. This Kitaab is essential for each and every worker in this effort.

If it is not read, then two diseases will show up, and there is no cure in this world for these two diseases:
One will consider himself worthy of doing this work
One will, through this work, look for the level of his position

(b) Practicing (Mashk): We will practice on this.

(c) Making Du’aa: We will make Du’aa that Allah grants us the Haqikat of Ilm.


Purpose of Thikr: The purpose of Thikr is to remove Ghafilat (unmindfulness). In all conditions, we practice the Tarikah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam with concentration. Through Thikr done with concentration the Mahabah for and nearness to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala can be acquired.
Virtues of Thikr: One who keeps his tongue moist with the Thikr of Allah will enter Jannah smiling.
The way to acquire Thikr: In order to bring the quality of Thikr into our lives we have to make effort in three directions: (a) Giving Dawah (Inviting) (b) Practicing (c) Making Du’aa.

(a) Giving Dawah: We will give Dawah by talking about the virtues and the purpose of Thikr, and whatever aspect we practice, we will give Dawah on that aspect, such as, the Taaruf, the Tazkiah (remembering) and the Tahmeed (praising) of Allah Ta’ala, we give Dawah on these.

(b) Practicing (Mashk):

???? We make the three Tasbih with concentration. If we do not have concentration in Thikr, then we will move further away from Allah Ta’ala. The Thikr without concentration is Bida’ah (innovation).
???? If there is no concentration at the time of reciting the Qur’an, then Ghafilat will be created. For this, we will fulfill the rights of the Qur’an when reciting it.
???? We will read the names of the Sifat and the Jaat (absoluteness) of Allah Ta’ala, sometimes out loud. We will also read the Masnun Du’aa with concentration. If it is done without concentration, then it is a habit, it will not be considered an Ibadaat.

(c) Making Du’aa: For this, we will make Du’aa that Allah grants us the Haqikat of Thikr.
Purpose of Ekram-e-Muslimeen: To bring Husne-Akhlaq into our lives. We have to adopt the Akhlaq of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam. What is Husne-Akhlaq? We have to forgive the oppressor also; we have to make Du’aa for the oppressor. We regard each and every Muslim according to their status, qualification, and influence, and we respect them accordingly. In order for our Amaal to reach the court of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, we have to fulfill the rights of others.

Virtues of Ekram-e-Muslimeen: One who takes steps with the intention of helping any Muslim brother, Allah Ta’ala will give him a reward greater than performing ten years of Nafl Ibadat.

The way to acquire Ekram-e-Muslimeen: In order to bring this Ekram into our lives we have to make effort in three directions: (a) Giving Dawah (Inviting) (b) Practicing (c) Making Du’aa.

(a) Giving Dawah: We will give Dawah by talking about the purpose and virtues of Ekram. Whatever line we practice, we will give Dawah on that line.

(b) Practicing (Mashk):
???? We fulfill the rights of all the Makhluq (creation)
???? We fulfill the rights of parents, wife and children, the nation of Jinns, neighbours, and kith and kin.

???? We give Salam to the angels
???? We make Du’aa for Hidayah for the nation of Jinns
???? We fulfill the rights of cats also
???? We fulfill the rights of trees also
???? We hide the shortcomings of our fellow brothers and look for their good qualities; to treat fellow brothers according to their temperament and qualifications is part of Ekram
???? We will give Dawah about these and practice them

(c) Making Du’aa: We make this Du’aa that Allah grants us the Tawfiq to practice the Haqikat of Ekram.


Purpose of Ikhlas-e-Niyat: The purpose of Ikhlas is Reda-e-Ilahi, which means to observe the commandments of Allah Ta’ala, according to the Sunnah of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam, with the intention to please only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
Virtues of Ikhlas-e-Niyat: If anyone performs even a small Amaal with the intention to please Allah Ta’ala, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will magnify it and grant an increase in reward to him.
The way to acquire Ikhlas-e-Niyat: In order to bring this Ikhlas into our lives we have to make effort in three directions: (a) Giving Dawah (Inviting) (b) Practicing (c) Making Du’aa.

(a) Giving Dawah: What Dawah to give for Ikhlas? We have to give Dawah by talking about the purpose and virtues of Ikhlas from door to door of the Ummah. Whatever line we practice, we will give Dawah on that line. Then it will become easy to practice in our own lives.

(b) Practicing (Mashk):
???? We check our Niyat (intention) at the time of performing each and every Amaal. What am I doing this Amaal for? This way, we check each and every Amaal three times and correct our intention. However, for Salat, only twice, at the beginning and at the end. Ikhlas comes at the end of everything and goes before everything.
???? Everyday, we perform one Amaal such that other than Allah and His angels, no one knows about it.
???? We bear witness in our heart that any incident, whether related to Allah or man, Allah made it happen.
???? Whatever our own good Amaal, we should search for the shortcomings; this will protect our Ikhlas and increase Ikhlas.

(c) Making Du’aa: Oh Allah grants us the Haqikat of Ikhlas.

Dawah and Tabligh

Purpose of Dawah and Tabligh:

The purpose of Dawah and Tabligh is to correct our own Amaal and Yaqeen, and to correct the Amaal and Yaqeen of all of mankind, we revive the way of the effort of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi was Sallam with our selves and our wealth.
Virtues of Dawah and Tabligh: One morning or one evening spent making effort in the path of Allah is better than the world and everything it contains.
The way to acquire Dawah and Tabligh:

(a) Giving Dawah (Inviting)

(b) Practicing

(c) Making Du’aa.

(a) Giving Dawah: What Dawah to give: we give Dawah for one year for Ulema-e-Karam, four months every year for common people, and the five Amaal for the Masjid-Jamaah, and we try to bring these into our own lives.
(b) Practicing (Mashk): Whatever we give Dawah about, we try to practice those things in our own lives.
(c) Making Du’aa: Oh Allah, grant us the Haqikat of Dawah and Tabligh in our lives.




South Africa


ضي هللا عنهم Sahabah The
ر had many great qualities, the Ulama have selected some of these qualities;
if we make Aml on these, practicing complete Deen will be made easy for us.

1. Imaan

ال اله إال للا
To remove the incorrect belief from our hearts that creation can do and to put the correct belief in
our hearts that only Allah does.
Hazrat Muaadh ibn Jabal ع هللا ضي
نه ر reported that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه هللا صىل has said,”
He whose last words are هللا اال اله ال will enter Jannah.” (Abu Dawood and Haakim)
Bringing it into our lives
In every condition before turning to the means first turn to Allah.
محمد رسول للا صىل للا عليه وسلم
To believe that the only successful lifestyle is the lifestyle of Nabi وسىلىلىلىللم عليه هللا صىلىلىلىلىل and any other
lifestyle will lead us to destruction.
ضي هللا عنه Huraira Abu Hazrat
ر reported that Nabi وسىلىلىللم عليه هللا صىلىلىلىل said, “He who holds fast to my
sunnah when my people are in a corrupt state will have the reward of 100 martyrs.” (Mishkaatul
Bringing it into our lives
Try to bring the Sunnah into our lives.

2. Salaah

To bring our lives out of Salaah onto the pattern of Salaah
ضي هللا عنه Jaabir Hazrat
ر narrates that he heard the Prophet وسلم عليه هللا صىل saying,” The likeness of
five times daily salaah is as the likeness of a deep small river running in front of the door of a person
who bathes therein five times a day.” (Muslim)
Bringing it into our lives
Read Nafl Salaah to improve our devotion and concentration. Try to perform all our Salaah in the
Masjid with Jamaat from the Takbeer Ula

3a. Ilm

To know what Allah wants from us at every given moment.
ضي هللا عنه ‘Darda Abu Hazrat
ر narrates, “I heard Rasoolullah وسىلىلىلىلىلىلىللم عليه هللا صىلىلىلىلىلىلىلىل saying,” Whoever
travels on a path in search of knowledge, Allah will enable him to travel on one of the paths to
Paradise. And verily the angels spread their wings with pleasure for one who seeks knowledge.
Indeed the inhabitants of the skies and the earth and the fish in the depths of the water, all supplicate
forgiveness for the Aalim . Verily, the eminence of an Aalim over a devout worshipper is that of the
full moon over the stars. And indeed, the Ulema are heirs of the prophets. And verily, the prophets
did not leave behind as inheritance any dinaar or dirham, rather they leave Ilm as an inheritance.
Whoever acquired this, received an abundant portion.” (Abu Dawood)
Bringing it into our lives
Go to the Ulama for Ilm of Masaail and sit in Taleem for Ilm of Fazail


3b. Zikr

To constantly be conscious of Allah Ta’ala at all times.
Hazrat Abu Musa Al Ash’ari عنه هللا ضي
ر reported that the messenger of Allah Ta’aala وسلم عليه هللا صىل
said,” The example of the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not remember Him is
like the example of a living and a dead person.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Bringing it into our lives
A non-Hufaz should recite 1 Juz of Quran a day and the Hufaz should recite 3 Juz daily. Recite Durood,
Istighfaar and 3rd Kalimah 100 times each in the morning and evening. Recite all the Masnoon Duas
before and after actions.

4. Ikraam

To fulfill the rights of our fellow Muslim brothers
ضي هللا عن Huraira Abu Hazrat
ه ر reported that the Messenger of Allah وسلم عليه هللا صىل said ,”Whoever
relieves a hardship of a believer in this world Allah will relieve his hardship on the day of resurrection.
Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make if easy for him in this world and in the hereafter.
Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the hereafter.
Allah helps the servant as long as he helps his brother” (Muslim)
Bringing it into our lives
Firstly, fulfill the rights of others. Secondly, give preference to the rights of others over your own
rights. Thirdly forgo your rights for the rights of your brother.

5. Ikhlaas

To do every action in our entire life only for the pleasure of Allah.
Ameerul Mu’mineen Umar ibn Al khattaab عنه هللا ضي
صىلىل هللا عليه وسىللم Prophet the heard I, narrates ر
saying,” Indeed all actions are judged by their intentions and every man will get according to what he
intends.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Bringing it into our lives
Before, during, and after an action make sure our intention is only for the pleasure of Allah.

6. Striving in the path of Allah

To bring the entire Deen into the whole of mankind. In order to achieve this, we have to make such
an effort that Deen reaches the level which it was when Nabi وسلم عليه هللا صىل left this world
ضي هللا عن Anas Hazrat
ه ر narrates that Rasoolullah وسىلىلىلىللم عليه هللا صىلىلىلىلىل said,” A morning or an evening
spent in the path of Allah is better than the world and all it contains. (Bukhari)
Bringing it into our lives
Spend 4 months every year, 10 days a month, and 8 hours every day in the path of Allah.
Also take part in the 5 Amaal of the Masjid: Mashura, in Ghusht, out Ghust, Taleem in the Masjid,
Taleem at home.



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